
Gilbert K. Chesterton once said that to love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless. And on a very special day, we here at Focus Productions, Toronto’s best photography and cinematography registry of the world’s quality weddings, have witnessed a beautiful and heartwarming union of Gulnaz and Zaman, two young lovebirds who shared the same goals and vision and decided to spend the rest of their days together. With this, we took our best photographers and videographers to their big day and captured a film we hope they will look back on and smile.

Gulnaz and Zaman couldn’t have picked a more perfect day than their wedding day. The sun was out, shining so bright. The trees were green and the flowers in bloom. It was a perfect mix to capture the perfect scenes and moments as the day unravels by the hour. The morning preparation, featured in the highlight reel, was nothing short of sweet and amazing. Our hearts were warm and full. It was full of emotion and the longing, awaiting and excitement for the big day has finally come.

The beautiful couple, Gulnaz and Zaman, handpicked Liberty Grand, a wondrous and historic venue, was nothing like we’ve experienced before. It was both stunning and appealing. With historical sentiments attached to the place, now the couple will make history as they vow to love each other forever, and start the rest of their lives together, here at Liberty Grand.

As the most awaited event comes, the bride looked dashing and beautiful as she walked down the aisle. Her then soon-to-be husband waiting in front of the altar looked as happy as ever, watching the love of his life. Everyone in the crowd was touched and warmed by the sweet moments shared by the couple.

And soon, as the couple seals their vows with a kiss, they were proclaimed husband and wife, sharing a new life together as one. It is truly in moments like this where we here at Focus Productions, Toronto’s top photography and cinematography registry of the world’s quality weddings, genuinely feel grateful to have witnessed such momentous event. Not only were the couple beautiful and dashing, the whole event itself was smooth, fun and perfect. All went well for the wedding. As they head on to the wedding reception, heartfelt speeches were delivered and the guests had fun dancing and celebrating the newlywed’s love and happiness. With this, we wish the couple a hearty and adventurous marriage as they take a step towards building a future together. But for a couple as perfect as Gulnaz and Zaman, we are sure it’s an easy task for them. 

Venue: Liberty Grand

Address: Exhibition Place, 25 British Columbia Rd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3, Canada 

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